Introducing-Catch-With-Care-CWC Rugged Tackle

Introducing Catch With Care (CWC)

Catch with Care is a Norwegian fishing tackle company that was founded in 2010. The company is known for producing high-quality fishing gear that is designed with the welfare of the fish in mind. Their products include fishing lines, hooks, nets, and other accessories that are designed to minimize the stress and injury to fish during the catching and release process.

One of the standout products from Catch with Care is their Catch and Release net, which is designed to minimize the stress and injury to fish. The net has a flat bottom and a soft, knotless mesh that prevents the fish from getting tangled or injured. The net also has a quick-release mechanism that allows the angler to release the fish quickly and safely.

Catch with Care's fishing lines are also designed with the welfare of fish in mind. Their lines are made with a low-impact material that reduces the amount of damage caused to the fish's mouth during the catching and release process. The company also produces barbless hooks that are less likely to cause injury to the fish.

In addition to its focus on fish welfare, Catch with Care is also committed to sustainability. The company uses environmentally friendly materials in its products and works to promote sustainable fishing practices. Catch with Care is a member of the Norwegian Fishing Gear Producers Association, which promotes sustainable fishing practices and advocates for the protection of marine ecosystems.

Overall, Catch with Care is a company that is committed to producing high-quality fishing gear that is designed to minimize the stress and injury to fish during the catching and release process. Their focus on fish welfare and sustainability makes them a great choice for anglers who are passionate about responsible fishing practices.

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